Scheduled for release towards the end of this year, PlayStation 5 will mark the arrival of a new era for console gaming throughout the world. While the release date for the new console in Malaysia is not yet known at the moment, Sony might already begin to prep it up for local launch by completing certification process for PS5 and related accessories such as the DualSense controller with SIRIM.
First spotted by Nextrift, SIRIM’s database today has recorded a new wireless game controller with model number CFI-ZCT1G under Sony Malaysia’s name:
Listed as a Bluetooth-based device, this particular model name has also been listed by Korea’s National Radio Research Agency:

Previously, Sony has used CUH-ZCT1x as the model number for PS4’s first-generation DualShock 4 controller in 2013 with “x” being the region code. So, in a way, the company might have adopted the “ZCT1” nomination for DualSense too.
However, both listings did not directly call the device as DualSense but given the timing of the listing, there is no other likely candidate for the time being. All in all, you might want to start saving up because it seems that PS5 might be released in Malaysia soon after the US or Japan, if not at the same time.
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