Telegram has introduced multiple account support for its Android app. That’s only on Android, since the iOS version is still playing catch up for some reason. However, that’s not to say that Apple users got nothing with the late 2017 update.
Android users of Telegram now have the option to add up to three separate accounts (with different phone numbers) to a single device. Notifications for all three accounts will be displayed, and users can then easily switch between these accounts from the side menu.
iOS users are seeing the introduction of customised themes; it doesn’t quite have the same multi-theme support that’s already available on Android. Four themes are available to choose from, including two night time themes.
A common update to Telegram on both platforms is the quick reply feature. Simply swipe left on any message in a chat to instantly reply to it. Something maybe more useful to group chats where things can fly by very quickly.
The update was published on 30 December 2017, and should be slowly rolling out to users who remember to keep their apps updated.
[Source: Telegram]
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