Following the pre-order dates mentioned by Apple, local telcos have also scheduled their iPhone 16 pre-orders to open on the same date of 13 September. The catch here is the oddly specific timing of 8PM, probably for it to coincide with the time that they open in the West. At any rate, with that now behind us, we know what each telco is offering as alternatives to going to the Apple Store.
A lot of this will look pretty familiar to what each telco has offered for the iPhone 15 last year. So here’s the list:
As the telco’s usual, devices here are offered on Zerolution installment plans of 24- or 36-month contracts. These are the prices of the devices alone, so excluding the cost of the plan’s monthly bill, to say nothing of any upfront payments. With that in mind, here’s the lowest you have to pay for each configuration, assuming you get the priciest plan, the Postpaid 199:
- iPhone 16
- 128GB – RM81/month (36 months) | RM131/month (24 months)
- 256GB – RM93/month (36 months) | RM150/month (24 months)
- 512GB – RM118/month (36 months) | RM199/month (24 months)
- iPhone 16 Plus
- 128GB – RM113/month (36 months) | RM170/month (24 months)
- 256GB – RM126/month (36 months) | RM189/month (24 months)
- 512GB – RM151/month (36 months) | RM227/month (24 months)
- iPhone 16 Pro
- 128GB – RM126/month (36 months) | RM189/month (24 months)
- 256GB – RM138/month (36 months) | RM208/month (24 months)
- 512GB – RM164/month (36 months) | RM246/month (24 months)
- 1TB – RM189/month (36 months) | RM284/month (24 months)
- iPhone 16 Pro Max
- 256GB – RM151/month (36 months) | RM227/month (24 months)
- 512GB – RM176/month (36 months) | RM265/month (24 months)
- 1TB – RM202/month (36 months) | RM303/month (24 months)
The lines between which half of the merger is offering what is blurred even further this time around, but the good news is that the telco has provided a large table to show what’s on offer for each configuration. While plans come in 24- or 36-month contracts, the base and Plus models can be attached to two more plans than the Pro models.

U Mobile
This time around, the orange telco is offering the phones under both its U Postpaid 98 and 68 plans, as well as in choices of 24- or 36-month contracts for the U PayLater installment options. The U Postpaid 68 plans is also an option now under U SaveMore, but only for a 24-month contract. For the sake of brevity, we’ll be keeping the breakdown on the installments, and the pricier plan.
- iPhone 16
- 128GB – RM91/month (36 months) | RM141/month (24 months)
- 256GB – RM103/month (36 months) | RM160/month (24 months)
- 512GB – RM129/month (36 months) | RM198/month (24 months)
- iPhone 16 Plus
- 128GB – RM103/month (36 months) | RM160/month (24 months)
- 256GB – RM116/month (36 months) | RM179/month (24 months)
- 512GB – RM141/month (36 months) | RM217/month (24 months)
- iPhone 16 Pro
- 128GB – RM116/month (36 months) | RM179/month (24 months)
- 256GB – RM129/month (36 months) | RM198/month (24 months)
- 512GB – RM154/month (36 months) | RM236/month (24 months)
- 1TB – RM179/month (36 months) | RM274/month (24 months)
- iPhone 16 Pro Max
- 256GB – RM141/month (36 months) | RM217/month (24 months)
- 512GB – RM166/month (36 months) | RM255/month (24 months)
- 1TB – RM192/month (36 months) | RM293/month (24 months)
Yes 5G
Available across four plans – Basic 58, Standard 88, Premium 118 and Ultra 178 – and all coming in 24- or 36-month contracts, this is probably the telco that’s offering the most in terms of flexibility. Fortunately, the company has provided a convenient table for your reference:

(Source: Maxis, CelcomDigi, U Mobile, Yes)
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