Former Tango Gameworks creative director Ikumi Nakamura rose to prominence during E3 of 2019 when she announced Ghostwire: Tokyo. So her departure from the studio a few months later came as quite the surprise. She has since started her own studio, called UNSEEN.
Though headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, Nakamura says that “the Tokyo studio acts as a terminal, where different cultures intersect”. And indeed, a quick look at the UNSEEN studio’s website shows that there’s a wide range of people from all over the world that’s with the studio.
Describing the reason behind the name of the studio, Nakamura says that ” as artists, we use our imagination to see the invisible”, and that “we work without being seen”. Which isn’t as profound as it’s made up to be. After all, as trendy as it is for studios to be seen as transparent these days, the average gamer doesn’t really see what goes on behind the scenes.

All that being said, Nakamura also mentions that “we want to transcend into various mediums beyond the realm of video games”. It sounds like the plan is for UNSEEN to work on more than just video games, but it remains to be seen what from that will take. You can check out the studio via its website, as well as its announcement video on YouTube, linked below.
(Source: UNSEEN [1], [2])
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