Google has got Google Home, Amazon has Amazon Echo, Apple recently announced the HomePod, and now, it’s Line’s turn. The popular Japanese messaging app company recently unveiled its own range smart home speaker – Smart Speaker Wave, Smart Speaker Champ, and Smart Display Face. All these speakers features the company’s very own digital assistant, Clova.
The Smart Speaker Wave is the flagship model and looks similar to other smart speakers. The speaker that stands out is the Smart Speaker Champ, featuring Line Friends including Sally the chick, and Brown the bear.
Functionality wise, these speakers are similar to the other smart speakers in the market. You can use it to play music, make lists, set alarms, have casual conversations, search the web, control smart home gadgets, and more. These services will tie in with Line’s very own products such as Line Music, and Line messaging service.
The Smart Speaker Wave will go on sale later this year for ¥15,000 (about RM580), while the Smart Speaker Champ will be available at a later date.
Finally, Line also unveiled the Smart Display Face featuring a built-in screen. The speaker is currently in the works, and Line did not detail how exactly it can be used. Based on the concept image, it looks like you can interact with it via its display, and it also features Line Friends that can presumably be animated to display more emotions.
(Source: The Verge)
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