WhatsApp is officially rolling out the ability to send HD quality videos globally. Last month, the messaging app released a highly-requested feature that lets you send higher quality photos, with it saying that it would soon enable the feature for videos as well.
HD videos works the same way with HD photos, with users needing to manually toggle it when sending content. After selecting a video or photo from the camera roll, you’ll see an “HD” button at the top of the screen. Selecting this will trigger a pop-up menu that gives you the option to choose between “Standard Quality” or “HD Quality”.
crisp and clear and sent in chat. we’re rolling out HD videos on WhatsApp. pic.twitter.com/J6fsGdqPIv
— WhatsApp (@WhatsApp) September 6, 2023
The HD quality in question seems to be maxed out to 1280×718, so while it is still a better resolution than what was previously enabled, it still compresses the content before sending it. Fortunately, it seems that WhatsApp is already working on allowing users to send original quality media, according to a report from WABetaInfo.
Selected beta testers have been able to send photos and videos in original quality through the app, although it will still send it as a document, albeit with less of the hassle of having to navigate through multiple menus and folders. The current workaround to send original quality media through WhatsApp is to send it as a document.
(Source: WhatsApp)
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