These days, it seems like a game is bound to find its way to gamers ahead of their intended launch days. Whether it’s caused by retailers breaking street days or some other reason, this means that footage of games find their way online before they’re supposed to. This time, the victim is Callisto Protocol, which is supposed to be available later this week.
As VGC reports, roughly the first two hours of the game has been shared online, split into three parts. The first part appears to be broken, but the remaining two parts remain viewable. Though due to the way the site embeds videos, it’s unclear who the leaker is and which platform the videos were originally from before it was re-uploaded.

Callisto Protocol was created by Glen Schofield, CEO of Striking Distance Studios. He also created Dead Space during his time as GM of Visceral Games. The former also serves as a sort of spiritual successor of sorts to the latter, since the next game in the Dead Space series is a remake of the first, rather than another entry into the series. It is also being published by Krafton, of which the studio is a subsidiary.

2 December is the slated release date of Callisto Protocol, which is just later this week. So it’s quite unfortunate that the starting bits of it would leak at such a time. Though since it’s only less than a week away before the public can play Callisto Protocol for themselves, you don’t have to go into spoiler avoidance mode for too long. But if you are the kind of person who dives into spoilers rather than away from them, you can check them out by heading to the VGC report linked below. Though as mentioned, the first part looks to be broken, so you’ll still be missing the actual start of the game.
(Source: VGC)
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