Autobot commander Optimus Prime from Hasbro and TakaraTomy’s Transformers franchise has taken on many forms outside of his iconic red truck alternate mode – even more so when he is featured as part of a special collaboration. These include numerous unexpected forms, such as a transformable first-gen PlayStation console, Xiaomi power bank, cell phone, and even a pen.
His latest form, according to the latest reveal by TakaraTomy, is a mirrorless camera that is part of a collaboration between Japanese camera manufacturer Canon and Hasbro/TakaraTomy. To be more specific, Prime transforms into an EOS R5 – complete with a detachable RF 24-105mm lens with removable cap.
Based on the available promotional materials, Prime’s camera form looks incredibly convincing, thanks to the impressive sculpt that almost perfectly captures the design of the real EOS R5 – right down to the tiniest details such as its buttons, dials, control knob, branding, and labels. To top it off, the Transformer also features a detailed imitation of the camera’s RF mount, which works together with the aforementioned lens accessory. That being said, it is unclear whether the EOS R5 Optimus Prime is an actual one-to-one scale replica of the camera. Regardless, we highly doubt you could attach a real Canon RF lens to it.
While the Autobot Commander looks great in camera mode, the same cannot be said for his robot mode however. Instead of a semi truck’s cab, his upper torso consists mostly of the EOS R5’s main body. The rest of Prime’s features – such as his head, arms and legs – are more recognisable, though they definitely look out of place when paired together with his awkward looking body. Seen on the robot’s shoulders is Canon’s logo on the left, and the Autobot insignia on the right.
Meanwhile, attached to the front of the torso is the upper part of the RF 24-105mm lens, whereas its remainder is shown to form the robot’s backpack. Also included is a Matrix of Leadership accessory that can be attached to the inner lens, while the removable cap is shown to double as Prime’s shield.
Optimus Prime won’t be the only figure to be offered from this collaboration, as revealed alongside him is Decepticon Refraktor (aka Reflector in the US), who also transforms into a Canon EOS R5. But unlike the Autobot commander, the character features a different colour scheme for his robot mode’s limbs, and comes with a Quantum Dial accessory instead of the Matrix of Leadership.
Fun fact: Refraktor canonically (no pun intended) transforms into a classic SLR film camera in the original “Generation One” Transformers cartoon. It’s also worth noting that the original toy, which is believed to be a replica of a 1969 Ricoh 126C-Flex TLS: Viewfinder, consisted of three robots that transformed into a single camera. But as you can already see, this Canon EOS R5 version only features one member from the group. Amusingly, a miniature version of Refraktor’s original toy is included as an accessory that the character can hold in his robot mode.

According to TakaraTomy, both figures from the Canon X Transformers collaboration are slated to be available next year for a recommended retail price of JPY 19,800 (~RM 653). The company’s official store on Amazon Japan, on the other hand, states that the figures are expected to ship starting from 25 February 2023 onwards. While the e-commerce platform does ship to Malaysia, it is not known whether the upcoming toy line will be officially brought to our region.
(Source: TakaraTomy – Official website / Twitter [1] [2] / Amazon Japan)
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