NieR: Automata was the entry into the once obscure series that shot it into the realm of popularity. Initially released all the way back in 2017, it is finally getting a Nintendo Switch port, five-and-a-half years later. It will not only come with all of its DLCs bundled, but also get a few exclusive skins.
Announced as part of the recent Nintendo Direct Mini stream, this edition of NieR: Automata is known as The End of YoRHA Edition. Which is the kind of name you’d expect from a Yoko Taro game. As a version that is only getting a release five years after the original, it will naturally come bundled with all the DLCs it previously got.
In addition to prior DLCs, the Nintendo Direct Mini broadcast says that NieR: Automata The End of YoRHA Edition will also come with exclusive content. This includes two exclusive costumes. One has 2B in what can be described as a mini kimono with a fox mask, and another has her in her 2P look. For context, 2P originated as her palette swap in Soul Calibur VI, a play on the term player-two. Though at this point it’s still just an unofficial nickname for the black-and-white colour swapping.
This name would then make an official appearance when it was introduced as a guest character in the MMO Final Fantasy XIV. There’s a dedicated storyline for the collaboration, called YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse. During the events of the quest, 2P will initially appear as an ally, before turning into an antagonist, with the real 2B appearing to aid the player at that point.

Going back to NieR: Automata The End of YoRHA Edition, this will be released on the Nintendo Switch on 6 October 2022. It has a price of US$39.99 (~RM176), with pre-orders also being open.
(Source: Nintendo / YouTube via GamesRadar+)
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