Back in January, the Road Transport Department (JPJ) announced that it will be implementing automated driving license tests (e-testing) in April. The assessment of its viability will be due by the end of March, according to the Deputy Transport Minister Henry Sum Agong.
Bernama reports that the minister said that the implementation of the e-testing is currently in its proof-of-concept (POC) stage. JPJ had set up a technical committee for e-testing, which is currently evaluating the system. An assessment report is expected to be submitted to the Ministry of Transport by the end of this month.

Driving license e-testing will see examiners sitting in a control room of sorts rather than in the vehicle with the examinees. At least, for the track portion of the driving test, which is the uphill driving, parking and three-point turning portion of the test. This would reduce the number of officers needed to conduct the test, freeing up manpower for enforcement instead.
The idea of e-testing for the driving license is not new. JPJ first revealed plans for it all the way back in 2015, which then led to ground trials the following year. Though news on that front lulled for a few years, it looks like its implementation will finally be a reality.
(Source: Bernama.)
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