Messaging app Telegram has managed to squeeze in one last big update before the end of the year, packed with new features. One of which is the leaked spoiler hiding tool we saw not long ago and now is readily available at your disposal.
Another great feature that is part of the latest update for Telegram is the ability to translate texts from any of the languages available on your operation system. It’s available for all Android phones that support Telegram but for iPhones, this feature requires iOS 15 and newer. You’ll also be able to exclude any languages you already understand, so the Translate button won’t appear for messages in those languages.

Telegram is also adding message reactions in the style of iMessage, where you can double-tap a message to put in an emoji reaction to that specific text. They’re always enabled in private chats, but for groups and channels, it will be up to the admins as to which reactions will be allowed, if any.

There’s also the new themed QR codes that enable you to choose colours and patterns to customise a QR code for any group, channel, or public profile for you to share. Lastly, Telegram has also added seven new interactive emojis that can fill your screen with animation when you send them in private chats.
(Source: Telegram.)
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