For people who are interested in video games, they’d usually spend their time playing them. But someone in the state of Massachusetts took to modifying them instead. And in the process, his work got registered in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest modified Nintendo 64 console.
And indeed, the modified N64 is so small, it can actually pass as a handheld. While quite thick, the 3D-printed main unit is barely larger than a game cartridge for the original console. It even comes with a 3.5-inch screen, allowing you to play it without plugging it to a TV.
You don’t need to plug in a controller either, as this custom N64 comes with analogue sticks from the Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons. The one on the left replaces the dpad entirely, while the one on the right emulates the C buttons. Clicking down on the left stick presses the L button, while clicking down on the right stick toggles between analogue and dpad inputs for the left stick. The shoulder buttons are the R and Z buttons.

This tiny N64 may not need to be plugged in, but you won’t be able to play it for long without plugging it in. It has a battery life of only 1.5 hours, thanks to running a single 18650 rechargeable battery.
This modified console is made by Gunnar Turnquist. And his work is now officially the smallest modified N64, measuring 8.4 x 11.8 x 4.5 cm.
(Source: Guinness World Records, Image: GmanModz)
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