Selangor-based contact tracing service SELangkah is now requesting users to report if other visitors are not wearing masks at the premises they are visiting. The update to the service followed prime minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s address yesterday regarding the government’s consideration of making face masks compulsory due to the sudden rise of COVID-19 cases.
SELangkah will now ask users “How many people do you see not wearing a mask here?” after submitting their required details to enter certain premises. They are then provided with three options to select from: ‘zero’, ‘up to four’, or ‘more than five people’. Additionally, the new prompt is optional and those who skip the question will not be penalised whatsoever.
It is not determined on what the service will be doing with the user provided information, although it is likely that this would function as a survey more than anything else. Prior to this, the government assured that the data collected is used only for contact tracing in the event of a new cluster appearing at certain premises under its supervision.
SELangkah is the first and only contact tracing service that is collecting this information at this time. Other services such as MySejahtera and KLStep have not included this function based on our recent testings, and it is uncertain if they are planning to do so in the near future.
(Source: The Star)
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