For the longest time, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) followed a very simple timeline. The year in which each film is set in corresponds to the film’s release date, discounting prequels — Iron Man is set in 2008, Captain America: The Winter Soldier is set in 2014. However, all of that got a lot more complicated thanks to Avengers: Endgame. The 22nd entry of the MCU is largely set 5 years after Thanos’ snap in Infinity War.
Many fans wondered how this would affect the universe going forward? Would the MCU address the repercussions of the lost five years? For example, husbands and wives would’ve gotten dusted only to reappear five years later and find that their spouses had already moved on in life. On the commentary track of Avengers: Endgame (via, directors the Russo brothers and writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely discuss the complexity of the timeline and if Marvel would just ignore it going forward.
Anthony Russo said:
“The premise here is a very complicated premise, right? You know, bringing people back from five years ago is a messy proposition any way you look at it. Not even talking about the time travel complexities of it. You know, that’s something I know some people like to think about after watching the movie…”
To that McFeely added:
“It’s like if you were in a plane, what happens to that now when you come back?”
Anthony Russo then chimed in by wondering, as many have wondered, what happens to the people who’ve remarried in the five years time skip that took place? His brother Joe admitted that the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe will have to be “really complicated.”
He said:
“Or you have kids. But that’s I think, one of the most compelling things about the movie, is doubling down at the end and not reversing it. So the Marvel Universe moving forward takes place five years in the future, and its a really complicated future.”
Here’s to hoping that the MCU actually explores the complexities of the snap/blip moving forward. However, if Spider-Man: Far From Home is any indication, the blip will be mentioned in a few jokey scenes before being swiftly swept under the rug.
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