Samsung Electronics has unveiled its latest product in the form of a Z-SSD (Z-NAND SSD) called the SZ985. One rather impressive feature about this Z-SSD is the fact that it comes with a whooping 800GB of storage space. Samsung Electronics mentioned that its newest storage device is made to cater for HPCs (High Performance Computing) and AI systems.
The SZ985 Z-SSD is based off of Samsung’s Z-NAND memory, which can be seen as a direct competitor to Intel’s 3D XPoint memory. For those who may be wondering, Samsung Electronics’ newest Z-SSD utilises the NVMe protocol / interface. The SZ985 comes on two storage options: 800GB and 240GB.
Samsung Electronics has stated that the SZ985 is capable of up to 30 drive writes per day for five years; this is equivalent to about 42 petabytes. In addition, the company mentioned that its new Z-SSD is also able to churn out a random read performance of 750K IOPS and a random write speed of up to 170K IOPS.
Those aside, Samsung Electronics said that it will be showcasing the SZ985 Z-SSD (both 800GB and 240GB variants) at the ISSCC (International Solid-State Circuits Conference) on 11 to 15 February. Expect key announcements like pricing and release date to be announced by then.
(Source: Samsung)
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