Two years ago, an American company named Megabots challenged their Japanese counterpart to a mecha duel. While both companies were already building mecha for display, nobody actually thought they would go through with it. Until now at least.
Megabots and Suidobashi are preparing to do battle with giant robots in an undisclosed location on August 2017. The duel will be broadcast over the YouTube channels for both companies, although it looks like the public will not be invited to watch it first hand.
We aren’t sure what upgrades Suidobashi has made to Kuratas, but Megabots has been very open about the progress made on the Mk III. It has been shown lifting a car and smashing home appliances, while company employees have been shown driving around in the tank tread base. Sadly, Megabots has not shown what the Mk III looks like fully assembled.
More information is set to be released as the duel draws closer. Megabots will at least have the Mk III in action during a roadshow before the duel itself.
[Source: Megabots]
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