With over one billion users, WhatsApp has evolved from a simple instant messaging service to a more complex chat service that offers more than just hosting conversations. Today, the company has introduced a new feature where users are able to send and receive documents. But, there are certain limitations.
The new feature of sending documents can be found in the “attachment” section on the top right of the app’s main page. Once you’ve clicked it, you’ll notice that there’s a new “Document” button. Select the button, choose the file to send, followed by its recipient. That being said, it is worth noting that document sharing in WhatsApp is only limited to PDFs for now.
Supposedly, the feature was meant for users who have registered themselves for the WhatsApp Beta program. However, the feature seems to have rolled out to all users. It could be that WhatsApp automatically enrolled everyone into its beta program in phases (although this is unlikely). Or, the feature has gone out of beta.
Either way, document sharing in WhatsApp is a welcome addition. As of this writing, the feature is not yet available for iOS users, and not all Android users may have the feature.
Those interested in trying out document sharing in WhatsApp should keep the app updated on either the Google Play Store or App Store (when the feature becomes available). Otherwise, you can always opt in to be a beta tester. Take note that the version of WhatsApp that has this feature is 2.12.496.
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