Not long after Xiaomi officially unveiled its first-ever laptop, the Mi Notebook Air, Lenovo followed suit with a laptop of its own. Dubbed the Lenovo Air 13 Pro – the name itself is a reference to the MacBook Air and Mi Notebook Air – this laptop features similar specifications to Xiaomi’s offering.
In terms of design, the Air 13 Pro looks quite reminiscent of the Mi Notebook Air. In fact, both laptops also measure 14.8mm thin, although the former is slightly heavier – by a mere 10g – than the Mi Notebook Air at 1.29kg. That being said, the Air 13 Pro features a card reader along with a fingerprint sensor – two features that are not available on the Mi Notebook Air.
Other specifications of the Air 13 Pro include a 13.3-inch Full HD IPS display, an Intel Core i5-6200U processor paired with up to 8GB of RAM, two choices of PCIe SSD storage (256GB and 512GB), an Nvidia GeForce 940MX GPU with 2GB of GDDR5 memory, as well as a 46Whr battery, which is said to provide up to seven hours of battery life.
Currently, pre-orders for the laptop are open in China for 4,999 Chinese yuan (about RM3,045) for the i5-6200U base model with 256GB of SSD storage and 4GB of RAM. Oddly enough, the price will go up to 5,499 yuan (approximately RM3,350) after the pre-order period has ended.
There are also two other variants of the Lenovo Air 13 Pro. The Core i7 model with a 256GB SSD and 8GB RAM will go for 6299 yuan (around RM3,835), while the same variant with double the storage retails at 6,999 yuan (about RM4,260) instead. Not surprisingly, the Lenovo Air 13 Pro is only available in China for now.
(Source: Lenovo, GizmoChina)
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