dotGears, the studio behind the ridiculously difficult Flappy Bird, has released a sequel to one of its most popular games: Swing Copters. Aptly titled Swing Copters 2, this game is still as frustrating to play, although more skilled players will find the game a good challenge – almost too much, actually.
Just like the first iteration of the game (which has been downloaded more than five million times), Swing Copters 2 involves flying your character up as far as you can while navigating through various obstacles. The higher you go, the more complex the obstacles get, which can get frustrating real fast. Compared to its predecessor, Swing Copters 2 looks much more polished; it also has a rather simple story and more pilots to choose from, which feature different stats and appearances.
Mobile games from dotGears are known to be notoriously difficult. Not only is there a steep learning curve to the studio’s games, the simplest of mistakes are very punishing. Swing Copters 2 is no different: while it has the appearance of a very kid-friendly game, its difficulty is more suitable for experienced gamers.
If you’re keen to try out Swing Copters 2 for yourself, you can download it from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. While the game is free to play, there are various in-app purchases that gamers can buy, such as extra pilots – if you’re not patient enough to unlock them yourself – and the removal of ads.
(Source: Phandroid)
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