For the third year in a row, Samsung Electronics has been voted as the best and most trusted brand in Asia. The survey, conducted by Campaign Asia in collaboration with Nielsen, spanned 13 markets involving 6400 respondents throughout the region.
The annual online survey involved 14 major product categories, which includes everything from retail, automotive, food & beverage and of course, consumer electronics. Campaign Asia conducted the survey in 13 Asian markets including China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and even Australia, where data was collected from 400 respondents from each market (with the exception of China and India, where there were 1200 and 800 respondents respectively).
The company is known for producing various consumer electronics products, from home appliances to smart TVs, hybrid smartphones, and even premium audio peripherals
The survey, according to The Sun, offers a “clear measure of the most highly-regarded brands today” in the region, and from the survey’s findings, it appears that Samsung Electronics has continued to build its trust and awareness among Asian consumers. The brand has focused on “five anchor pillars”: continuous product innovation, deep consumer understanding, engaging consumers through their passions, direct consumer interaction and finally, community engagement.
Its key market remains with smart devices, including the flagship Galaxy S5, and the new wearable devices, the Gear 2 and Gear Fit
In a statement, Samsung Electronics South-East Asia vice president of marketing Irene Ng said:
As Samsung continues to grow, we remain committed to driving product innovation and directly engaging consumers on a deeper level.
(Source: The Sun)
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