With the help of some new technology, In-flight ISP Gogo is expected to bring peak speeds of over 70Mbps to an airline near you. The technology called 2Ku, uses 2 Ku-band satellite antennas to deliver blazing fast speeds and an improvement over the 9.8Mbps speeds available today and the 3.1Mbps available just 5 years earlier. That’s not all, when the new spot beam satellite technologies becomes available, it looks like 100Mbps connections at 35,000ft may just become a reality.
Japan Airlines is expected to be the first to trial the new technology and Gogo estimates it to be rolled out further by mid-2015. On a business trip to Orlando 2 years ago I had the opportunity to test out the In-Flight Internet service and it blew my mind. Here’s hoping that this service makes its way to more carriers that we will have the opportunity to fly with.
(Source: The Verge)
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