Sony has revealed the state of its PlayStation 4 platform in a closed door meeting today. IGN reports that Sony’s slides announced PS4’s being sold out at all retailers, although they claim to be able to refresh the channel with a regular supply.
Unsurprisingly, Call of Duty: Ghosts, FIFA 14, and Battlefield 4 are the three best selling games so far. While Sony claims that it “has increased its market share” among what the company calls “heavy gamers”.
John Koller, PlayStation’s Vice President of Marketing, shared that PS4 gamers average 34 million hours a week gaming on the console; with the number rising to 50 million if other entertainment options are also included. The interesting bit is that the social options of the PS4 are a big hit. Some 48 million gameplay videos and screenshots have been shared, with 1.7 million hours of livestreaming already done. Impressive considering the console has only been around for about 3 months.
PlayStation Plus subscriptions are also up 90 percent since the console launched, with digital sales are looking very strong. Considering that the subscription provides free games to be enjoyed, it is not surprising people don’t mind the monthly fee.
Speaking of which, subscribers to PlayStation Plus can look forward to picking up Payday 2 with the Instant Game collection tomorrow. Although, Payday 2 happens to be a PS3 game and there happens to be a lack of backward compatibility (at least until PlayStation Now arrives later this year). It looks like Sony may have ended up with two consoles in the living room instead of just one.
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