Virgin Atlantic certainly took April Fool’s Day pranks to new heights with its news announcement. Besides promoting its new Little Red domestic flights programme, the company also “launched” the world’s first glass-bottomed plane where passengers can “enjoy both an unparalleled flying experience, as well as a selection of stunning landscapes from the comfort of their seats”.
According to the post on Virgin Atlantic’s blog, this project was personally funded by owner Richard Branson, and the unique planes will look similar to the Airbus A320s that will be used by the Little Red flights. These glass-bottomed planes will see aviation-standard glass placed along the aisles of the plane, allowing passengers a near-direct view of the scenery beneath them.
Do not fret if these glass strips scare the living daylights out of you, because there will be specially-trained cabin crew who will assist you. Or, you know, don’t look down.
(Source: Virgin Atlantic Blog)
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