In an interesting twist, WB Games has announced a new online multiplayer mode for its upcoming Batman title, Batman: Arkham Origins. While the single player campaign will be developed by WB Games Montreal, the multiplayer mode will see Splash Damage take the reins, and from the initial play through reviews available online, the critically-acclaimed single-player Batman experience is about to make an equally big impression on the multiplayer world.
The new multiplayer mode, called Invisible Predator Online, pits eight players in three teams: three players each in Bane and the Joker’s group of thugs, and the caped crusaders Batman and Robin, playing a prominent role here despite not appearing in the single player campaign of Arkham Origins. Both sets of thugs battle to take each other out in a capture the flag style mode, while the superheroes lurk in the shadows as they silently take each thug out in a variety of familiar take down moves.
As the game goes on, both the Joker and Bane will enter the arena, and one of the three thug players in each faction can then control the villains for the rest of the battle. Both the Joker and Bane, naturally, are vastly superior to the common thugs, with specialized weapons available at their disposal.
The three-team versus mechanic adds a unique multiplayer experience to the Batman franchise, introducing an interesting element of surprise and paranoia into the game, as the heroes could be lurking above the thugs on gargoyles or even under them in gutters, just waiting for the perfect takedown opportunity. As it stands, some franchise fans are not too pleased with the multiplayer mode introduction, but the critics seem to find that Invisible Predator Online offers a fresh and engaging element that adds to the Dark Knight experience.
(Further reading: IGN, PlayStation Blog)
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