The skeletons in your Facebook closet may be surfacing quicker and more unintentionally than you think. Apparently for some people on Facebook, their private messages from 2010 and earlier are appearing on the timeline. This could lead to some unpleasant memories or dirty sheets being aired out in the open. In the interest of keeping the buried, buried, here’s how to check if yours have been revealed.
Firstly on your profile page, there will be a list of dates on your right hand side of your timeline. Click on 2009 and there will be a box with the header Timeline 2009 and below that “___ friends posted on ____’s timeline”. For some people, this will be a mix of wall posts from others and private messages. To hide the whole thing, simply hover over the box, click the edit button (a pencil on the right) and then hide from timeline. Repeat this for every year before and up to 2010 and you should be fine.
2 weeks ago, Facebook came out and addressed the issue, saying that they have checked and no private messages are being posted on the timelines leading us to believe this should be a isolated incident rather than a full blown security scandal. Whatever it is, check yours before things become awkward!
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