MWC 2017: Nokia Enters Health Monitoring Market With Withings

The Nokia brand will soon be appearing on Withings range of connected health devices. Nokia acquired the French company last year, and it looks like the takeover is finally complete with the change in branding.

These devices include a range of heart rate monitors, weighing scales, blood pressure monitors, and the rather fetching Activité watch. As smart devices, these gadgets and gizmos will be connected through the Nokia Health Mate app. This happens to be an updated version of Withings Health Mate; although it adds some new features.

Nokia Health Whitings 6

The idea of the app is that it collects health data and turns it into actionable information. Something like a coaching system, although Withings has not provided exact details on what this will look like.

Nokia has also announced a new patient care service that will allow healthcare providers to remotely monitor patients. It’s a system that Withings has been implementing with the NHS in the UK, and it looks to be expanding it to a larger market.


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